Gain some Humor this Valentine!

“Books were safer than other people anyway.” – Neil Gaiman

14th February, a day that marks ‘Love’ is celebrated across the globe with sheer joy. People wait for this day with bated breath as if the rest of the days give no space for love! While you gather the courage to express your love to your beloved, how about gaining little humor, knowledge and feelings for a stranger and experience a deep affair this valentines?

Ever thought how it would be to fall for someone whom you will never see again after a certain time? Someone whom you can partially relate to? The one who can add the spice to your smartness quotient? Someone who would make you feel thoughtful, and then suddenly you feel where you have gained something, besides you have also lost a little of yourself!

To all the above questiones my answers are:

Yes I know how pleasant the feeling is to love the unknown who is unseen and shall never be seen, literally.

Not once, not twice but several times I have bumped into characters I can totally relate to. Yes, several times!

When I came across someone who added the perfect amount of emotions to my humor and intelligence, the feeling was overwhelming. I wanted to hold on to the stranger forever!

And every stranger I have happened to learn about has in some way or the other made me more thoughtful helped me be a better myself.

And speaking about lose or gain, yes I have lost my time, but I would rather say I invested my time learning those strangers, because by the time I finished reading a book, yes you read it right, a ‘BOOK’, I probably gained too many insights about life, people, places, vocabulary, myself and but of course – the strangers.

If you haven’t understood already who I am talking about, Oh boy! I must say you definitely need to fall in love with reading, a book, those characters, and lastly but your power to imagine.

Grab a book this valentines, read it, finish it, cover to cover, and then ask yourself, have I fallen for the writer? For the protagonist? Or may the place described in the book! Because love could be for and towards anyone right!

Gain the experience, and the richness that you will feel by connections that you make with such strangers would be spellbound!

In case this still doesn’t convince you to fall in love with reading, then I suggest you fall in love with someone who loves to read, because:cititul

Readers are patient

Readers aren’t afraid to let their mind wander in new and exciting areas

Readers are willing to commit

Readers like to be entertained – I hope you can at least entertain your partner if not read!

Wise and understanding

They find in you a romantic character

Last but not the least; gifting becomes a lot easier for you, since the world will never run out of Good Books!

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